Events registration

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Registering to NIAG events requires no log-in credentials. Open events are visible in the table below this text. Please select an event and fill in the registration form. You will be requested to open the terms and conditions (by clicking the "here" button) before completing the questionnaire.

NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 18 February 2025NIAG study on Aeronautical Navigation - Future Technologies18/02/2025Exploratory Group
NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 19 FebruaryNIAG study on Cross Domain Battlespace Object Coherence19/02/2025Exploratory Group
NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 4 March 2025NATO Public Cloud Adoption for up to NATO SECRET classification level04/03/2025Exploratory Group
NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 5 March 2025NIAG study on Equivalence in Land Fire capabilities for determination of the requirements in the NDPP05/03/2025Exploratory Group
NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 25 March 2025NIAG study on Suitability of Synthetic Fuels in Current and Next Generation Platforms25/03/2025Exploratory Group
NIAG Exploratory Group meeting on 26 March 2025NIAG study on Bringing Launched Effects (LE) to bear through standards26/03/2025Exploratory Group
