The NIAG operates through an organizational structure which consist of:
•the NIAG plenary body which meets 3 times per year – February, May/June, October.
•specific advisory groups, established as required.
•permanent liaison representation to CNAD groups and other NATO groups, bodies and organisations as appropriate.
Advisory Study organisation
•Study Sub-Groups established with volunteer Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Rapporteur
•Normally for the duration of one year
High level consultancy – Strategic level “industrial” advice on topics such as:
•Trans-Atlantic Defence Industrial Cooperation •Achieving NATO Interoperability
•Government-Industry Partnerships
Technical advice provided through either pre-feasibility studies or studies seeking interoperability solutions. Technical advice studies in general aim at answering to the following questions:
•What is the current state-of-the-art on the topic of the study?
•What does future technology could offer?
•What is practical, achievable and affordable?
•What is the best way to achieve “interoperability”?