NATO Public Diplomacy Division's Co-Sponsorship Grants
Do you have an idea for a project which could contribute to better understanding of NATO and its role? If so, NATO can help make that idea a reality, through funding, practical assistance and other means.
Applicants from Ukraine please follow this
Applicants from Russia please follow this
The Public Diplomacy Division works to promote security cooperation through a variety of programmes in NATO and partner countries and contributes to a continuous process of international security debate and policy creation. One of the goals of NATO's Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) is to foster awareness and understanding of NATO, its values, policies, and activities, and to increase the level of debate on peace, security, and defence related issues. To this end, the Division conducts and supports a wide range of public diplomacy activities, including conferences, seminars, and other outreach projects, designed to engage with audiences around the world.
Co-sponsorship for conferences, seminars, workshops and other relevant public diplomacy activities, such as digital, multimedia or online projects, on peace and security-related issues is available in the form of discretionary grants from NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. Typically, recipients of these grants are Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), universities, think tanks, and other pertinent civil society organisations. Projects should focus on aspects of NATO's current agenda, such as:
- Defence and security (including defence investment and capabilities);
- Projecting stability/NATO Partnerships;
- Defence, deterrence and dialogue (with focus on NATO-Russia relations);
- Transatlantic security cooperation & new security challenges.
Social media promotion
NATO PDD highly encourages organisers to join the official
Facebook Group 'NATO Engagement'and to advertise this platform by distributing the link amongst the participants. It is furthermore an option to promote the project prior and post the actual event within this community, in order to reach out to the desired target audience.
Selection criteria
The NATO Public Diplomacy Division uses the following criteria to select projects for co-sponsorship:
- Relevance to NATO's current agenda and communication priorities.
- Educational value and/or relevance to public discussion of peace and security issues; the contribution of the project to NATO's goal of developing an informed debate on these issues.
- Expected impact and reach of the project.
- Ability to use resources efficiently to achieve the expected outcome.
- NATO reserves the right to decline a project application from a grantee who previously failed to abide by the terms of a previous sponsorship grant with NATO.
Decisions on whether to support a project, as well as the level of sponsorship awarded, are made at the discretion of NATO authorities. Further details on co-sponsorship grants are available in Grant Application Guidelines.
If you are looking for information on NATO's Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, please click
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